1. 招标条件
1.1. 项目概况:广东广州日报传媒股份有限公司印务分公司商印设备升级项目,增购全开四色或对开八色平张印刷机1套、对开5+1平张印刷机1套。(Guangdong Guangzhou Daily Media Co., Ltd.,Commercial printing equipment Procurement items,Full open four-color or folio eight-color sheet-sheet printing machine,One Set;Folio 5+1 sheet-sheet printing machine,One Set.)
1.2. 资金到位或资金来源落实情况:已落实。(In place)
1.3. 项目已具备招标条件的说明:资金来源落实并具备招标所需的技术资料。(The funds shall be in place, and the tenderee shall have the technical materials required by the tendering.)
2. 招标内容:
2.1. 招标项目编号:3098-224GZ0000274/01
2.2. 招标项目名称:粤传媒商印设备升级国际招标(包号1重招)(Cantonese Media Commercial printing equipment International tender procurement)(Package number 1 re-recruit)
2.3. 项目实施地点:中国广东省(Guangdong Province, China)
2.4. 招标产品列表(主要设备):
序号 | 产品名称 | 数量 | 简要技术规格 |
1 | 对开八色平张印刷机+对开5+1平张印刷机或全开四色平张印刷机+对开5+1平张印刷机(folio eight-color sheet-sheet printing machine,Folio 5+1 sheet-sheet printing machine,or Full-open four-color sheetfed printing machine,Folio 5+1 sheet-sheet printing machine) | 1套(One Set) | 详见第八章《货物需求一览表及技术规格》(See Demand List and Technical Specifications, Chapter 8) |
3. 投标人资格要求
3.1. 投标人经合法注册。(The Bidder shall be legally registered.)
3.2. 投标人在中国国际招标网(成功注册。(The Bidder shall have registered on
(Note: The Bidder shall fill in the Registration Form on before the bid deadline stipulated by the bid document, and shall submit the Registration Form sealed by the Bidder and the Business License (copy) to the above-mentioned website; Overseas bidders shall submit evidentiary materials of local registration (copy). In the case that the overseas bidder do not have a seal, a Registration Form for tendering signed by the person in charge shall be submitted. Bidders who fail to finish registration on before the bid deadline shall not be allowed to participate in the tendering, unless there are special reasons. Bidders can call the website service consultation number: 400-0606-000 for registration and annual inspection.)
3.3. 是否接受联合体投标:不支持(Not acceptable)
3.4. 未领购招标文件是否可以参加投标:不可以(Not allowed)
4. 招标文件的获取
4.1. 招标文件领购开始时间:2023年1月11日
4.2. 招标文件领购结束时间:2023年1月19日
4.3. 获取招标文件方式:现场领购,地址为广州市天河区天寿路31号江河大厦20楼广东公信招标有限公司。(To be purchased and received at GONG XIN TENDERING, 20th Floor, Jianghe Building, No.31 Tianshou Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou)
4.4. 招标文件售价:¥500元或$50(RMB 500 or USD 50)
其他说明:招标文件售价为每份人民币500元或50美元,售后不退,如需邮寄,国内另加人民币60元或10美元,国外另加人民币200元或30美元。(The price of each bid document is RMB 500 or USD 50, and refund is not applicable. If mailing is required, an extra RMB 60 or USD 10 shall be charged in the case of domestic mails, and RMB 200 or USD 30 in the case of international mails)
4.5. 其他补充说明:供应商凭以下资料加盖单位公章购买招标文件:(The Suppliers shall purchase the bid
document upon their presentation of the following documents which shall have been sealed)
4.5.1. 企业法人营业执照(副本)复印件或经合法登记证明材料复印件;(A copy of Business License (counterpart) or a copy of evidentiary materials of legal registration;)
4.5.2. 购买招标文件经办人,需提供:(The transactor who purchases the bid document shall provide:) 经办人如是单位负责人,需提供单位负责人证明书及单位负责人身份证复印件;(In the case that the transactor is the person in charge of the company, the copy letter ofstatement and a copy of his ID card shall be required;) 经办人如是投标人授权代表,需提供单位负责人授权委托书及授权代表身份证复印件。(In thecasethat the transactor is an authorized representative on behalf of the bidder, the copy letter of authorization and a copy of the authorized representative’s ID card shall be provided.)
5. 投标文件的递交
5.1. 投标截止时间(开标时间):2023年2月1日10:00
5.2. 投标文件送达地点:广州市天河区天寿路31号江河大厦20楼2007室广东公信招标有限公司会议室(投标文件递交时间:2023年2月1日 9:30~10:00)(Meeting Room 2007, GONG XIN TENDERING, 20th Floor, Jianghe Building, 31 Tianshou Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou (The submission of bid documents is acceptable from 9:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on 1 Feb 2023)
5.3. 开标地点:广州市天河区天寿路31号江河大厦20楼2007室广东公信招标有限公司会议室(Meeting Room 2007, GONG XIN TENDERING, 20th Floor, Jianghe Building, 31 Tianshou Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou.)
6. 投标人在投标前需在中国国际招标网上完成注册。评标结果将在中国国际招标网公示。(The bidder needs to register before the tender on And the evaluation results will be released on
7. 联系方式
7.1 招标人:广东广州日报传媒股份有限公司
7.2 地址:广州市海珠区阅江西路368号第23层2301室83969038-8830(83969038-8830;Room 2301,23rd floor,No.368,Yuejiang West Road,Haizhu District, Guangzhou)
7.3 联系人:林小姐 温先生(Miss Lin OR Mr.Wen)
7.4 联系方式:86-20-81163579 86-20-89173454
7.5 招标代理机构:广东公信招标有限公司(GONG XIN TENDERING)
地址:广州市天河区天寿路31号江河大厦20楼(20th Floor, Jianghe Building, 31 Tianshou Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou)
7.6 联系人:陈小姐(Miss Chen)
7.7 联系方式:86-20-83064172-8015
8. 汇款方式
8.1 招标代理机构开户银行(人民币):招商银行广州分行体育东路支行(购买招标文件账号)
8.2 招标代理机构开户银行(美元):/
8.3 账号(人民币):120913829410909 (购买招标文件账号)
8.4 账号(美元):/